Hexomatic Updates – Public scraping recipe templates directory is live

Super excited to announce a much requested feature, public scraping recipe templates 🚀.

Our brand new public scraping library provides ready-made templates built by our community and team to make it easier than ever to scrape common websites.

Here are the latest scraping recipe templates we just published:

⭐Ebay (single listing)
⭐Shopee (single listing)
⭐Reddit (latest subreddits)⭐Yellow pages (directory listings)
⭐Craigslist (community listings)
⭐Indeed (listings)
⭐Indeed (single job listing)
⭐Quora (category trends)
⭐Product Hunt (Homepage)
⭐Product Hunt (product page)
⭐AppSumo (Select products)
⭐AppSumo (single select listing)

Click here to access our scraping recipe template library.

If you have a great scraping recipe you would like to share with our community just reply to this email so we can help you publish it in our directory 👍.

Next, we launched a big improvement to our data input automation, enabling you to map columns from your imported CSV file into Hexomatic. No more A, B, C, D, etc. data fields!

You can find all the updates in your dashboard

Happy scraping and have a great week ahead.

Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Hexomatic. The no-code, point and click work automation platform.

Harness the internet as your own data source, build your own scraping bots and leverage ready made automations to delegate time consuming tasks and scale your business.

No coding or PhD in programming required.

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