How to find bloggers, influencers and publishers by scraping Google

How to find bloggers, influencers, and publishers by scraping Google

Updated on 30/04/2024

Bloggers and influencers reach people who are interested in what you have to offer and the right publishers can reach hundreds of thousands of people at once.  

One of the best and most cost-effective ways to market your product or service is by having a blogger, influencer or publisher share their thoughts on it with their network. 

One of the best ways to find influencers is via Google, which has one the largest and freshest indexes of the internet with data updated every minute or less. Regardless of your industry, the right search parameters can turn Google into a powerful resource for finding fresh new publishers you can get in touch with for your business.

But the problem is that finding relevant and high-traffic publishers in your niche is time-consuming and can take hours to compile lists of potential leads via browsing the web and researching using different free or paid data sources and copy-pasting details in a spreadsheet.

The good news is that Hexomatic can save you days of research by leveraging different data sources and automating data gathering in minutes. So you will never ever think about how to find bloggers and influencers.

In this short tutorial, we are going to run through how you can use Google and the different automations built into Hexomatic to find bloggers, influencers, and publishers in any industry on autopilot.

How to get fresh publisher leads using advanced Google search parameters

Google search operators are commands you can use to extend the capabilities of regular text searches in Google to refine your search and get better results.

Let’s explore some useful search operators you can combine:

Force an exact match

“Paleo recipes”

This refines the search results by only including exact matches for the term excluding synonyms or potentially related terms

Boolean operator: OR

Interior design blog OR home decor blog

This enables you to get search results that match either one or another condition

Boolean operator: AND

Home decor AND blog

This enables you to get search results that match all conditions

Add a wildcard *

2021 * blog income report

This enables you to add a wildcard between two terms, for example matching: 2021 affiliate blog income report or 2021 April blog income report. This is useful for finding bloggers who also promote products as affiliates.

Target match keywords in the URL

Inurl: affiliate marketing blogger

This operator enables you to only get results that contain your keyword in their url

Group operators and control how a search is performed

(Blogger OR influencer) NY

This enables you to specify how conditions should apply in your search query.

Limit your search to a specific website or url structure for influencers “influencer”

This enables you for example to only get search results from a specific website.

Finding bloggers with keywords in the title tag of their website 

Intitle: fashion blogger Chicago

Returns pages that contain fashion blogger or fashion blogger Chicago in their title

Finding publishers with multiple keywords in the title tag of their website

allIntitle: mummy blogger 

Returns pages that contain mummy AND blogger in their title

Specify influencers for a specific geographic area

“Food blogger NY”

Simply add the geographic location you want to target and Google will help filter the results by location.

Exclude a term from the search results


This will exclude all publishers that contain the term voucher , ideal to remove coupon type sites if you’re looking for content publishers.

Exclude a domain from the search results

This will for example exclude pages, ideal for removing certain types of websites from the search results like review aggregators, shopping portals, recruitment etc…

Save time with these useful search combination growth hacks

Growth Hack #1 Find relevant high traffic publishers vetted by ad or blog networks

Whilst there are many bloggers out there, there is a definite 80/20 of high-traffic vs low-traffic blogs. One way of targeting proven high-traffic publishers is to first target bloggers that are part of ad or blog networks, many of which have traffic minimums to join.

Here is a list of top ad networks:


Gourmet Ads


Monumetric (formerly known as The Blogger Network)



In order to target these, simply find a few blogs belonging to the network and look for common signatures in the footer or terms and conditions.

For example, you can find many of the AdThrive publishers using this Google query:


Growth Hack #2 Get hyperlocal publishers that operate in a specific geographical location for any niche excluding glassdoor review type sites

Use this query to find specific types of publishers for a specific location whilst excluding specific sites featuring specific keywords

allintitle: mummy blogger NY -salary

Growth Hack #3 Get specific influencers from LinkedIn by geography, industry and title.

LinkedIn is a rich source of leads which you can tap into by using this search query along with the job title and location you want to target. AND "influencer" AND "food blogger" AND "New York"

Tutorial 1: How to capture a hyper-relevant list of influencers with Hexomatic’s ready-made workflow

Manually going through Google search results, visiting websites, and copy-pasting results is time-consuming. You can easily save time with Hexomatic’s ready-made workflow template.

Simply visit the Workflow templates section of Hexomatic and find the following workflow template: Discover Influencers contact details

Then, run the workflow to edit the details.

This workflow consists of 3 automation:

  • – Google Search Automation
  • – Email Discovery
  • – Social Links Scraper

Add the required keyword in the Google Search Automation and choose the location:

The Email Discovery automation will scrape all the emails based on your Google search results. In turn, the Social links scraper will gather the social media links from your chosen social media platforms:

After adding all the required information, click on the Continue button and run the workflow. Once the results are ready, you can download the list of influencers in your preferred file format in seconds!

Tutorial 2: How to capture a hyper-relevant list of influencers from LinkedIn for your industry by automating Google search to a CSV or Google Sheet with Hexomatic

To get started simply create a new blank workflow and add the Google search premium automation as your starting point.

Specify your search query, geographic location. For example, let’s look for LinkedIn profiles of fashion influencers in London: AND “fashion influencer” AND “London”

Next click save and run.

When your workflow has finished running, you will be able to download a CSV file containing all the LinkedIn profiles of your prospects so you can get in touch with these manually or via your favorite outreach tool.

Tutorial 3: How to find premium publishers from an Ad network with Google search and enrich each result with email addresses, social media profiles, and traffic estimates

Hexomatic enables you to create your own workflow combining different data sources extracting key data points you can use to prioritise your leads and get in touch with prospects.

In this short tutorial we will show you how you can combine the following automations into one workflow:

-Finding publishers from an ad network using the Google search automation
Finding email addresses using the email scraper automation
-Finding social media profiles using the social media profile automation
-Estimating the traffic each lead is currently getting

All this can be set up in a few minutes, saving hours of manual research time.

Let’s get started:

Step 1: Create a new blank workflow

From your dashboard, create a new workflow by choosing the “blank” option.

Step 2: Add the Google search automation

In this example, we will be searching for food bloggers on the Adthrive ad network. To do this use this search query and modifier:


Step 3: Find emails

Add the email scraper automation to your workflow using the URL field as the source.

Step 4: Find social media handles

Add the social media scraper automation to your workflow using the URL field as the source.

Step 5: Run your workflow and grab a cup of coffee

Lastly, you can run your workflow now or run on a schedule (for ex: monthly to get fresh data).

This can take a few hours to run depending on how many publishers you’re looking for and once your workflow has completed you will be able to download a CSV file containing all your leads ready for prospecting.

How can this scraped data be used?

  1. Product launches: Brands can collaborate with influencers to create buzz around new product launches. By using influencers who align with their brand values, companies can reach targeted audiences more effectively. Influencers can provide authentic, relatable content that introduces the product features and benefits to potential customers.
  2. Brand awareness campaigns: Companies can increase brand awareness by partnering with bloggers to write detailed reviews or feature articles about their products or services. This method is particularly effective in industries like fashion, technology, and beauty, where consumers often look to trusted sources for recommendations.
  3. Event promotion: Event organizers can use influencers to promote upcoming events. By having influencers share their plans to attend, speak, or participate in an event, organizers can tap into the influencer’s followers who might be interested in attending as well.
  4. Content syndication: Businesses can enhance their content marketing strategy by getting their content republished on high-traffic blogs and digital publications. This not only increases reach but also improves SEO through backlinks and can drive direct traffic from these established platforms to their site.
  5. Affiliate marketing: Brands can boost sales by engaging bloggers and influencers in affiliate marketing programs where influencers earn a commission for every sale generated through their unique affiliate link. This incentivizes influencers to create more persuasive and targeted content to convert their followers into customers.
  6. Crisis management: In times of crisis, brands can work with trusted influencers to restore confidence and address customer concerns through transparent and authentic communication. Influencers’ relatable approach can help humanize the brand and rebuild trust.
  7. Educational campaigns: For industries such as health and finance, where consumer education is crucial, companies can partner with specialized influencers to create educational content that helps demystify complex products or services, thereby aiding in decision-making.
  8. Local market activation: Brands looking to strengthen their presence in specific geographic areas can collaborate with local influencers. This can be particularly effective for businesses like restaurants, gyms, and local services aiming to attract local clientele.

Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Hexomatic. The no-code, point and click work automation platform.

Harness the internet as your own data source, build your own scraping bots and leverage ready made automations to delegate time consuming tasks and scale your business.

No coding or PhD in programming required.

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