How to scrape images in bulk from any website

How to scrape images from website – no coding required (bulk scraping)

Need product listing images for your eCommerce store or images from a specific website?

You could manually right-click on each image or you could use a web scraper to perform the task automatically at scale.

This is useful for many industries, including eCommerce, research, real estate, hospitality, tourism, and more. 

With Hexomatic you can scrape all the images (or any type of asset from pdf to mp3 files) from the entire website in just a few clicks – No python code or complex software required. 

In this tutorial, we will show you two different ways to scrape images in bulk:

Method 1: Using our website crawler + files and document finder automation.

Method 2: Creating your own scraping recipe.

Method 3: Using our Text and Image Scraper automation.

Method 1: How to scrape and save images from an entire website using the files and document finder

In this section, we will show you how to scrape images from a website so you can save them all to your computer.

Step 1:  Create a new workflow

To get started, head over to the dashboard and create a new workflow from the Automations section.

Step 2: Add the Crawler automation

Next, add the crawler automation, inserting the URL you want to crawl in the Source URL field.
Select the URL types to crawl, the limit of URLs to crawl, and your proxy mode. 

Crawler automation

Step 3: Add the File and document finder automation

Next, add the file and document finder automation, selecting crawled URL as the source. 

Select the desired extension. In this case, we select .PNG, .JPG, and .JPEG formats to scrape images from the URLs.  Select the URL type (Internal/External/All).

File and document finder automation

Next, there are two possible ways you can proceed: You can save the images to a zip file or export them to your Google Drive. Below, we will demonstrate how to do each method. 

Step 4A: To save the images to a zip file add the files compressor automation

If you want to save the images directly to your device, use the files compressor automation. This will compress all the images into one convenient file you can download and extract on your computer.

Add the files compressor automation, selecting all file links as the source.

Files compressor automation

Step 4B: To save to Gdrive add the Google drive (export/sync) automation

Optionally, you can export your images to your Google drive by using our Google (export/sync) automation. 

Step 5: Run or schedule the workflow

Now, you can run your workflow to get the images. 

Run to scrape images from website

Method 2: How to create your own scraping recipe to scrape images from a webpage

Now, let’s see how you can scrape images from a webpage on autopilot using our Hexomatic scraping recipe builder. 

Step 1: Create a new scraping recipe

Go to your dashboard and create a blank scraping recipe.

scraping recipe

Step 2: Add the website URL 

Next, add the website URL to scrape images from. Then, click Preview.

scrape images

Step 3: Select the images to scrape

Select the image to scrape and choose Select all for scraping all the images of the same type on the webpage. Then, choose Source url as the type of the element and click Save. 

Step 4: Create a new workflow from a scraping recipe

Go to the Scraping Recipes section and use the recipe in a workflow to scrape the images.

scraping recipe for images

Next, there are two possible ways you can proceed: You can save the images to a zip file or export them to your Google Drive. Below, we will demonstrate how to do each method.

Step 5A: To save these to a zip file, add the files compressor automation

Now when you scraped all the images you wanted, you will also need some image editors or image manipulation service. Thus, you will have all your desired images ready and edited. If you want to save the images directly to your device, use the files compressor automation. This will compress all the images into one convenient file you can download and extract on your computer.

Add the files compressor automation, selecting the property (in this case: PropertyName1) as the source.

Then, click Continue.

Files compressor

Step 5B: Export the images to Google Drive

To export the images to Google drive, you need to add the Google Drive (export/sync) automation. You can also use a picture editor to make any changes on the images you want.

After filling in all the required fields, click Continue.

scrape images from websites

Step 6: Run the workflow

Now you can run the workflow to view the results. 

Run workflow to scrape images from website

Method 3: How to scrape images from website with our Text and Image Scraper automation

In this section, we will show you how easy it is to scrape images from any website using our new automation- Text and Image Scraper.

Step 1: Create a new workflow

Enter Hexomatic’s dashboard and create a new blank workflow. Then, choose Data input as your starting point.

Step 2: Input the URL

To begin scraping, start by collecting the URLs of the web pages you’re interested in. Simply copy these links and paste them into the designated “Manual Paste” field.

You can scrape the images of as many websites as you want with this method.

Step 3: Add the Text & Image Scraper automation

Click on the “plus” icon located below and search for the Text & Image Scraper automation. Then, click on the tool and select “Data input” as your source. 

Besides, you can easily find the Text & Image Scraper by using the search bar on the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Run the workflow

After adding the automation, click on the “Continue” button located at the lower right part of the screen. Then, select the “Run Now” option to run the workflow.

Run now to scrape images from website

Step 5: Download the results

In just a few minutes, your results will be prepared. With a single click, you can save the scraped data directly into a Google Sheet. All the images of the webpage will already be in a zip file for your convenience.

You can see how Hexomatic neatly organizes the data into one comprehensive document, providing zip files for the images from each webpage.

This is one of the easiest ways to scrape all the images from website without wasting your precious time and energy.

scrape images from website

Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Hexomatic. The no-code, point and click work automation platform.

Harness the internet as your own data source, build your own scraping bots and leverage ready made automations to delegate time consuming tasks and scale your business.

No coding or PhD in programming required.

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