We just launched one of our most requested automations: Trustpilot Search automation (premium) 🎉.
Tap into one of the largest business review directories as a new source of data or B2B leads in minutes. This provides access to business data and reviews for a wide range of categories.
In addition, we have updated our Find and Replace automation to allow selecting a column (not just typing text) and appending/prepending data on each element in the column) 🎯.
Next, our scraping recipe builder now supports dropdown menus to select options in forms. To interact with drop-down menus, click and use the select option and choose the number of entries to be displayed from the drop-down menu ✅.
Lastly, we have updated our Google Sheets (Export/Sync) automation. Now you can add an option to insert a date/time into the record. It is useful for cases when the workflow is scheduled, and the exported data relates to different date periods 📆.
You can find all the updates in your dashboard.
Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Marketing Specialist | Content Writer
Experienced in SaaS content writing, helps customers to automate time-consuming tasks and solve complex scraping cases with step-by-step tutorials and in depth-articles.
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