Hexomatic Updates – Find leads using Trustpilot & more

We just launched one of our most requested automations: Trustpilot Search automation (premium) 🎉.

Tap into one of the largest business review directories as a new source of data or B2B leads in minutes. This provides access to business data and reviews for a wide range of categories. ⚡

In addition, we have updated our Find and Replace automation to allow selecting a column (not just typing text) and appending/prepending data on each element in the column) 🎯.

Next, our scraping recipe builder now supports dropdown menus to select options in forms. To interact with drop-down menus, click and use the select option and choose the number of entries to be displayed from the drop-down menu ✅.

Lastly, we have updated our Google Sheets (Export/Sync) automation. Now you can add an option to insert a date/time into the record. It is useful for cases when the workflow is scheduled, and the exported data relates to different date periods 📆.

You can find all the updates in your dashboard.

Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Hexomatic. The no-code, point and click work automation platform.

Harness the internet as your own data source, build your own scraping bots and leverage ready made automations to delegate time consuming tasks and scale your business.

No coding or PhD in programming required.

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