We have wrapped up another productive week with a number of updates for Hexomatic improving UX and making our automations more flexible.
⭐ We now have contextual automation suggestions recommending popular automations that go well with your chosen automation inside your workflow.
⭐ Automations now feature built-in source filtering so only compatible sources are now displayed.
⭐ We now have a Fast or Standard mode option available on the following automations:
🤖 Files & Documents finder
🤖 Emails scraper
🤖 Get page content
🤖 Extract links from a page
🤖 Pull contacts
🤖 Social links scraper
⭐ Lastly, we have deployed more patches to improve scraping recipes success rates which affected some websites.
You can find all the updates in your dashboard.

Automate & scale time-consuming tasks like never before

Marketing Specialist | Content Writer
Experienced in SaaS content writing, helps customers to automate time-consuming tasks and solve complex scraping cases with step-by-step tutorials and in depth-articles.
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