How to use advanced SSML tags with Text to Voice
Lean how to use SSML tags with our Text to Speech automation to make your audio files more human and easily understandable.
Lean how to use SSML tags with our Text to Speech automation to make your audio files more human and easily understandable.
The week is off to a great start with new exciting Hexomatic updates.
Enhanced public scraping library with new templates added, updated Google Drive Export automation, and more.
Our public scraping recipes are live. Here you can learn how to use them to automatically scrape data from common websites like eBay, Product Hunt, AppSumo, Indeed, etc.
With Hexomatic, you can easily scrape email addresses from a webpage and perform an in-depth search of email addresses in seconds. Learn how to do that in this easy-to-use tutorial.
In this tutorial, we show you how to scrape data from Craigslist, one of the most famous advertisement platforms. Learn how to scrape ads from Craigslist in a few clicks using Hexomatic.
Thrilled to announce that our brand new public scraping library provides ready-made templates to scrape common websites such as eBay, ProductHunt, AppSumo, and more.
This week we are happy to announce our brand new rename file automation .
A big thanks to our community for this feature suggestion, with this new automation you can now rename files generated by Hexomatic using data from your workflow.
We are excited to announce our brand new website categorization automation that can help you classify websites based on their URL .
This is ideal for researching customers or prospects at scale.
Password-protected websites can sometimes be an obstacle when scraping data, especially if they use non-standard login mechanisms such as JS forms or pop-ups. In this tutorial, we will show you how you can easily scrape data in these circumstances and how to use cookies to automatically log into password-protected websites using custom actions and Hexomatic’s …
How to use cookies to log into password-protected websites Read More »
Hexomatic + Hexospark to keep your pipeline full. We just deployed a dedicated Hexospark automation within Hexomatic for seamless access.